Vivien Tauchmann is an independent designer, movement artist and educator/ researcher investigating socio-political relations through embodied approaches.
By working at the crossroads of relational design, performative arts and somatic pedagogies, her practice centres around the notion that our bodies have a profound affect on the way we perceive others (human as well as non-human) and act towards them, and vice versa. In positioning the human body as interconnected material, she seeks to expose and confront aspects of human-made infrastructures and subvert processes which constitute social and cultural dynamics of power and injustice. Within this context, she draws a special commitment to breaking down intersections of oppression that are intertwined with labour, exploitation and alienation.
Vivien is working with non-profit initiatives, such as human rights organisations, and a diverse range of cultural spaces. Her works have been part of exhibitions, civil society summits and public forums, bridging social and artistic practices. Beyond her projects and collaborations, she is visiting lecturer amongst others at Bauhaus University Weimar (DE) and The Royal Conservatory Antwerp (BE).
Vivien was trained as a fashion designer (B.A.) at the Faculty of Applied Arts in Schneeberg (DE) and gained her MFA (2018) at the Social Design Department of Design Academy Eindhoven (NL). Since 2015 she is active in the international labour rights network of Clean Clothes Campaign. Since 2024 she is one of the founding members of STRÜKTÜR, a Berlin-based association dedicated to forming and expanding support structures for arts & artists from the geography of Turkey. Currently she is based between Leipzig, Berlin (DE) and Istanbul (TR).
Photo: Cihan Çakmak, 2023
All in! Re-Designing Democracy, Bundeskunsthalle Bonn (DE)
Critical Crafts: InterWoven Practices, collaboration with Sam Price & Ela Gök, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Mimarlık Fakültesi (TR)
Bauhaus Study Rooms 2023 – Design Acts: Gestures of Performative Research, Bauhaus Dessau (DE)
Dis/Assembly of Performative Things, collaboration with Aída Herrera Peña, Vika Halle (DE)
Journée derrière l’étiquette, achACT, Brussels (BE)
#reclaim_fashion, Kleiderei & Kampagne für Saubere Kleidung e.V., M7173, Cologne (DE)
At the coalface! Design in a post-carbon age, CID centre d’innovation et de design au Grand-Hornu, Mons (BE)
Political Art Days: Das gute Leben für Alle, Cambio e.V., objekt klein a, Dresden (DE)
Zagreb Forum 2022 – Living Wage is possible!, Novi Sindikat and Clean Clothes Campaign, Zagreb (HR)
Once We Are Flooded – Symposium zur Ökologie, Akademie der Bildenden Künste Nürnberg (DE)
dancingpolitics – Democracy strengthening methods in dance, Aktion Tanz e.V. (Online)
Who’s your feminism for? Gender & discrimination in the global fashion industry, Clean Clothes Campaign (Online)
ACT-6 Gestures in Transit, in collaboration with Gabriel Fontana, Derde Wal, Nijmegen (NL)
Bauhaus Study Rooms, in collaboration with Aída Herrera Peña, Bauhaus Dessau, Online (DE)
Driving the Human Opening Festival, HFG Karlsruhe & ZKM Karlsruhe, Online (DE)
howtowork.live – Online Research Festival, HfbK Hamburg, Online (DE)
Stay LIVE at Home!, performistanbul, Online from Istanbul (TR)
The Object is Absent, MU Artspace, Eindhoven (NL)
HURRA HURRA: International Festival of Design Education for the 21st Century, Burg Halle (DE)
FORMS OF ACTIVISM - Junior Design Research Assembly, University of the Arts, Bern (CH)
ADD TO THE CAKE: Transforming the roles of female practitioners, Kunstgewerbemuseum, Dresden (DE)
Festival Schule FUDAMENTAL, Bauhaus, Dessau (DE)
G18 Graduation Show: Design Academy Eindhoven, De Campina, Eindhoven (NL)
Motel Win-Win, TAC, Eindhoven (NL)
the new local, Precarious Pavilions, Brussels (BE)
Istanbul Design Biennial: A School of Schools, Yapı Kredi Culture Centre, Istanbul (TR)
100 Days of Learning, Age of Wonderland, People’s Pavilion, Eindhoven (NL)
Fashion meets Ethics, Deutsches Hygiene Museum Dresden (DE)
The After School – Center for Arts, Design+Social Research (CAD+SR), fellowship & residencies, Online / Tire (TR) / Nairobi (KEN)
Performistanbul, residency & project support, Istanbul (TR)
Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen, work scholarship, Istanbul (TR)
Strengthening democracy//dance education and political education in tandem, collaboration scholarship with Derya Kaptan, Aktion Tanz e.V. (DE)
Derde Wal: Social Aspects 2021, residency, in collaboration with Gabriel Fontana, online/ Nijmegen (NL)
BeMobileCreateTogether!, residency, Istanbul (TR)
Mentorpreis – Category: Liveability, award, University of Applied Sciences Zwickau (DE)
Student Award for Social Commitment, award, as collective of students of the Faculty of Applied Art Schneeberg, University of Applied Sciences Zwickau (DE)
By Design and by Disaster conference: Power in Transformation, workshop & lecture, Free University of Bozen–Bolzano (IT)
Faircademy – Fashion & Human Rights, workshop, Entwicklungspolitisches Netzwerk Sachsen e.V., Crimmitschau (DE)
Fashion Revolution Week, Kassel (DE)
Kurt-Schwitters-Symposium für Designtheorie: Kritik als Haltung, lecture, HS Hannover – Department Design & Media (DE)
Unravelling Embodiment, workshop, Royal Conservatoire of Antwerp AP, M.A. Dance, Online (BE)
Critical Crafts: InterWoven Practices, workshop, collaboration with Sam Price, Ela Gök & Herkes İçin Mimarlık, Istanbul / Kahramanmaraş (TR)
Self-As-Other-Trainings, lecture, HafenCity University Hamburg, B.A. Sociology of Architecture, Hamburg (DE)
An Other Self, workshop & lecture, class Jewelry and Artefacts, AdBK Nürnberg (DE)
Unravelling Embodiment, workshop, Royal Conservatoire of Antwerp AP, M.A. Dance, Online (BE)
Contamin_azioni Erranti, workshop, in collaboration with Michael Kaethler, Università di San Marino and Paesaggi Migranti, Pennabilli (IT)
Kleidung & Menschenrechte, workshop, Carpus e.V., Online (DE)
Modul Mode & Menschenrechte – Qualifizierungsreihe zur Referent*in für politische Bildung, workshop, ENS e.V., Leipzig (DE)
Self-As-Other-Trainings, lecture, HafenCity University Hamburg, B.A. Sociology of Architecture, Hamburg (DE)
Institute for Dance & Movement Culture, workshop, German Sport University Cologne, M.A. Dance (Online)
Gerrit Rietveld Academie, B.A. DesignLab, workshop (Online)
KASK School of Arts Gent, Design Department, workshop, Gent (BE)
MIND PALACES* Disentangling Embodiment, lecture & talk, Bauhaus Museum, Weimar (DE)
Was wir tragen: Kleider–Codes–Botschaften, workshop, Bauhaus University Weimar, M.A. Public Art and New Artistic Strategies, Weimar (DE)
Unravelling Embodiment, workshop, Royal Conservatoire of Antwerp AP, M.A. Dance, Online (BE)
Faircademy – Fashion & Human Rights, workshop, ENS e.V., Crimmitschau (DE)
Design Campus 2021 – Design & Democracy, Workshop, Kunstgewerbemuseum, Dresden (DE)
Tierra – Eine Welt Görlitz e.V., Workshop, Online (DE)
I.L.A. Werkstatt für globale Gerechtigkeit, Workshop, Common Future e.V., Online (DE)
Aktionstreffen 2021, Workshop, Kampagne für Saubere Kleidung (Clean Clothes Campaign Germany), Online (DE)
Sandberg Instituut, M.A. Design, Workshop in collaboration with Gabriel Fontana, Amsterdam (NL)
Change Your Shoes Aktionswerkstatt, Workshop, INKOTA netzwerk e.V., Online (DE)
CRAFTING SITUATIONS, MFA Design, Workshop/Lecture, HDK Valand, Online (SWE)
Future for All - Congress, Workshop series, Konzeptwerk Neue Ökonomie e.V., Online/Leipzig (DE)
Design Academy Eindhoven, MA Social Design, Workshop in collaboration with Amandine David, Online (NL)
Zukunftsforum: Dem Kuchen (Kanon) etwas hinzufügen, panel talk, Japanisches Palais Dresden (DE)
Designing for Futures, panel talk, HURRA HUURA Festival, Burg Halle (DE)
Design Academy Eindhoven, MA Social Design, Workshop in collaboration with Lucas Maassen, Eindhoven (NL)
INSIST 2, Social Innovation and the arts: the role of plasticity, lecture, KU Leuven, Leuven (BE)
What if... we would talk to your body?, experimental talkshow, Re-Create Out Loud #6, MU, Eindhoven (NL)
Negotiating Otherness, panel talk, The Arena, Graduation Show, Design Academy, Eindhoven (NL)
In-Lab Scores & Structures: From Mind to Map to Muscles, lecture, with Gabriel Fontana, Jan van Eyck Academy, Maastricht (NL)
(Re)Designing the Body, panel talk, the new local, Precarious Pavilions, Brussels (BE)
Designerly Dances of Empathy – Vivien Tauchmanns Self-as-Other-Trainings, essay by Leonie Fischer, MA Kunstwissenschaften, Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle, 2021
The self as other: Vivien Tauchmann’s ‘minor gestures’ towards the entwinement of design processes and the body,
essay by Vera Sacchetti, Social matter, social design – For good or bad, all design is social, 2020
Case Study Self-As-Other-Trainings (SAOT) by Vivien Tauchmann, On Performativity and Design, Aída Herrera Peña, M.Sc. Coop Design Research, 2020
BMCT! Conversations - Episode #4: Vivien Tauchmann, Aslı Kıyak İngin & Zeyno Pekünlu,
Be Mobile Create Together! podcast, 2020
Self-As-Other, Neuwerk #7 Kontakt,
Das Magazin für Designwissenschaft, 2020
Was ist Design?,
form N°288: Krise und Design, 2020
Evden ‘canlı’ sanat,
Cumhuriyet, April 2020
Folge 1 – Hurra Hurra x Vivien Tauchmann,
Designpodcast der BURG, 2020
Old Cracks in New Mirrors,
Arts of the Working Class: Issue 10, 2020
Projects: Design for emotions,
Design Unlimited 7, 2019
Visual Fictions (Add to the Cake), 2019
Inspiring Youth,
form N°284: Region of Design – Germany’s East, 2019
INSIST 2, Social Innovation and the arts, 2019
Perpetual motion report_Mixtape #2,
the new local, 2018
Kinesthetic Understanding², essay by Huibhaye van der Werf,
the new local, 2018
archpaper.com, 2018
Studenten machen mobil gegen rechte Hetzer,
spiegel.de, 2013